CS Journals

Established Since 2008

Professional Online Education Since 1992

About CS-Journals


IJITKM, IJCSC and IJEE  are Peer Reviewed, Referred and Indexed journals with the mission to serve society through excellence in education and research to generate new knowledge and technology for the benefit to researchers. All Journals are published bi-annually with the aim to publish high-quality papers with original work within their specified focus that are open accessible to educators, researchers and academicians. The scope of the journal covers all theoretical and practical aspects in the Field of Computer Science, Information Technology, Electronics Engineering and Management. Topics of interest for every journal are displayed on the page of individual journal.

CS-Journals mission is to enhance the quality of research work and knowledge based products for students, academicians, scientists, professionals, researchers, and managers world wide.


International Journal of IT & Knowledge Management (ISSN: 0973-4414)

International Journal of Computer Science & Communication (ISSN: 0973-7391)

International Journal of Electronics Engineering  (ISSN: 0973-7383)

National Journal of Applied Science and Advance Technology (ISSN: 0973-7405)

Authors are invited to submit Papers Online OR through mailing us at editor@csjournals.com