CS Journals

Established Since 2008

IJEE Volume-12 Issue-2 June-Dec 2020

SN Paper
1 Design and Construction of 1KVA Inverter Using Pulse Width Modulator

Yusuf, S.D., Adamu, I.I., Loko, A.Z., Lucas, W.L.

2 A Review of Wearable Antenna

Asha P. Ghodake, B. G. Hogade

3 Power Generation from a Moving Locomotive by Wind Turbine

Vikas Kumar, Neha Swami, Nisha Kumari, Shweta Chawla

4 Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller Design For Robot Manipulators

Sunil Kalshetti, Dr.S.K.Dixit

5 A Comparative Study of Aluminium Top Gate ZnO-Nanowire FETs with SAM Gate Dielectric

Dayal C. Sati, Manoj Kumar, Vivek Kumar, Varun Sharma

6 Digital Circuits: A Study on Logical Gates

Suresh Badiger

7 Smart Energy Meter

N. Swarnalakshmi, P.Tamilselvi, M.Sarumathy, G.Sindhuja, S.Sandiya

8 CYBORGS: A Mere future or a Science-Fiction

Dr. Alstyne victor. Kuraty

9 Self Complementary Rectangular Microstrip Antenna for Modern Communication Systems

Malipatil Shivashankar A, Nagraj Kulkarni

10 Sentiment Analysis in Dogri Language Using Machine Learning

Shubhnandan Singh Jamwal